The Impact of Blockchain
on the South Bay Economy
A report prepared by CSUDH South Bay Economics Institute for the South Bay Workforce Investment Board
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) have the potential to transform the modern workplace. Originally developed to support the Bitcoin digital currency, Blockchain distributes digital information across networks of computers and servers, and updates information so that standardization is maintained across all links of the chain.
Simply, Blockchain is software that keeps track of things. Keeping track of business activity and information is a primary function of business. Because Blockchain can accomplish this in a way that can be transparent, immutable and secure, the technology offers many powerful solutions for business and for society.
This study is a path-breaking examination of the potential impact of Blockchain on the Los Angeles South Bay economy and workforce. The study aims to inform South Bay businesses, policy makers and government officials about the latest trends in Blockchain technology and emerging companies in the field, as well as the latest research into the issue.
It is important that we understand the dynamics of Blockchain and prepare our future workforce with the skills necessary to succeed. It is equally important that South Bay business can find talent locally without having to seek workers out of state or out of the county. We need to ensure our residents have the skills businesses need to stay competitive in a global economy and South Bay residents can capture those well-paying employment opportunities of the future.
For more information contact:
Chris Cagle
Regional Affairs Manager
South Bay Workforce Investment Board
Email: ccagle@sbwib.org
Phone: (310) 970-7724
In the News
“Land-Rover is developing a Smart Wallet for cars that will allow people to earn cryptocurrency tokens while they drive. The tokens earned can later be used for things like paying for toll roads, or fees to use the carpool lane, pay for a bus ticket, a train ticket, or a ride-share fee. Earning tokens and paying for tolls happens automatically while they drive. Read about this project and the technology here: ON THE MONEY: EARN AS YOU DRIVE WITH JAGUAR LAND ROVER“
The Program
The Blockchain Foundations course is an introduction to the world of bitcoin, blockchain and distributed ledgers. The purpose of the 15-hour course is to provide students with a solid foundation to gain a deeper understanding of this budding disruptive technology, and learn how it will affect their business areas, career paths and entrepreneurial aspirations.
Topics include origin of blockchain; blockchain basics; blockchain security; blockchain apps; cryptography; crypto wallets; smart contracts; government regulation; current state of blockchain; and future state of blockchain.