27th Annual Awards Ceremony
El Camino College
El Camino College has been a long-time partner of the SBWIB in developing strong career pathways to local employers. The college was a founding member of the Aero-Flex and Bio-Flex Apprenticeship and Pre- Apprenticeship and has partnered with the SBWIB on a number of grants, including the DOL Scaling Apprenticeship Grant with West Los Angeles College and two recent grants from the CA Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office grants for Bio-Flex and to develop IT-Flex.
El Camino College has partnered with the SBWIB to enroll students each year into the Aero-Flex Pre- Apprenticeship to complete an eight-week internship with Northrop Grumman, after which most are hired
and participate in the SBWIB’s On-the-Job training program.
The SBWIB has provided an onsite representative at El Camino College twice a week to provide job readiness services and host at least two job fairs during the semester. Last year, the SBWIB provided
450 one-on-one sessions with El Camino students, conducted 11 workshops, hosted 2 large hiring events, provided 219 job leads, and assisted 27 students in securing employment or internships.
South Bay Workforce Investment Board
11539 Hawthorne Blvd., 5th Floor Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 970-7700
© 2022 by South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers. All rights reserved.
This WIOA Title 1 financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling in advance to CRS 1-800-735-2922 or 310-680-3700.