Disability/Paid Family Leave Benefits for COVID-19
Benefits Available to Those Sick and Cannot Work
Individuals are able to file a Disability Insurance (DI) claim, providing short-term benefit payments eligible workers who have a full or partial loss of wages due to a non-work-related illness.
The Governor's Executive Order will waive the one-week unpaid waiting period to collect DI benefits for the first week out of work.
What forms are needed:
Requirement can be met by a medical certification signed by treating a physician or a practitioner that includes a diagnosis and ICD-10 code, or a statement of symptoms, start date of condition, probable duration; and treating physician's or practitioner's license number or facility information. Can also be met by a written order from a state or local health officer specific to you.
Fastest processing occurs online, and submit supporting medical documentation immediately after.
How much can be earned:
Approximately 60-70 percent of wages, depending on income, ranging from $50-$1,3000 a week. EDD has a Disability Insurance Calculator. Payments are paid through the date of a doctor's certification or when available benefits are exhausted, whichever comes first within a 52-week period.
The Governor's Executive Order waives the one week waiting period.
Individuals who are quarantined, as certified by a medical professional or a state or local health officer, can qualify for disability insurance.
Benefits Available to Self-employed or Otherwise Not Covered by State Disability Insurance (SDI) Program
Individuals can be eligible for benefits if they pay into Disability Insurance Elective Coverage (DIEC). DIEC is an option for self-employed individuals, like independent contractors, and employers to apply for coverage under SDI. More info here.
Benefits Available for Individuals Caring for A Sick Family Member Who Miss Work
Individuals can file a Paid Family Leave (PFL) Claim
Provides up to six weeks of benefit payments to eligible workers who have a full or partial loss of wages because they need time off work to care for a seriously ill family member
Necessary documentation:
Medical documentation regarding family member in care who is either ill or quarantined due to COVID-19.
This requirement can be met by a medical certification for that person from a treating physician or a practitioner that includes a diagnosis and ICD-10 code, or a statement of symptoms; the start date of the condition; its probable duration; and the treating physician's or practitioner's license number or facility information.
This requirement can also be met by a written order from a state or local health officer that is specific to your family member's situation. Absent those documents from a physician or health officer, individuals may be eligible for an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim instead.
Individuals may also request EDD to send a Claim for Paid Family Leave (PFL) Benefits (DE 2501F) (PDF) form, which can be ordered online.
If medical documentation is provided in any other form other than the EDD's designated claim form, it should be submitted separately by mail to:
Employment Development Department
PO Box 45011
Fresno, CA 93718-5011
Individuals can receive approximately 60-70 percent of wages, depending on income, ranging from $50-$1,3000 a week. EDD has a Paid Family Leave Calculator.