Job Seekers
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board’s (SBWIB) service strategies for adult job seekers have evolved over the more than 30 years that it has provided employment and training services.
Since the implementation of WIA in July 2000, the focus of services for residents seeking assistance through the One-Stop system has changed significantly.
During a sustained period of high employment early in the last decade, the programs featured short, less robust interventions, as businesses were willing to hire individuals meeting minimum requirements. However, through the years of the Great Recession and into the present, our strategies for adults have consistently incorporated more training and skills development, including basic education skills, work readiness skills and job-specific skills at various points along career pathways.
SBWIB is a strategic leader in working to build partnerships with education and community-based organizations to serve both in-school and out-of-school youth. Over the last 30 years, we have continued to innovate and, despite drastic reductions in funding for WIA Youth programs, design and implement services that promote remarkable academic and employment results by local youth and young adults.
As we examine the direction of youth programs nationally and in California, SBWIB recognizes that changes in both focus and programming will be truly transformative. For all youth, emphasis will be placed on services promoting completion of a challenging basic skills education connected to relevant workplace experiences that lead to industry recognized credentials and career pathway employment, including apprenticeship. The system will give special attention to the reengagement of disconnected youth, through intervention and prevention services that are integrally linked to education and workforce preparation.
SBWIB’s One-Stop Business & Career Centers provide an array of “off-the-shelf” and specialized services to assist local companies in meeting their hiring goals, lowering training costs, improving employee skill levels, reducing turnover rates and managing a more qualified workforce.
Services are frequently customized to meet specific business and industry employment requirements. To ensure that local businesses have workforce development and other support that they need, SBWIB provides a broad range of services through our One-Stop system and we are preparing to launch additional services that will be available on-line.
For more information on all services visit www.southbay1stop.org.
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