Job Fairs
Job Fairs, currently held virtually, provide opportunities for job seekers to meet several employers that are hiring in the South Bay.
For businesses, job fairs provide job seekers who've been accessed by one of our South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers.
Robert Chavez -- Phone: (310) 680-3770
SBWIB Aero-Flex Pre-Apprenticeship /
Apprenticeship Program
An innovative employer-centric ‘earn and learn’ model for engineering, allows employers to scale nationwide, applying the framework to workforce development wherever the company does business.
Program site - www.sbwib.org/aero-flex
Chris Cagle -- Phone: (310) 970-7724

SBWIB Bio-Flex Pre-Apprenticeship /
Apprenticeship Program
Bio-Flex delivers an effective and proven employer-directed career development tool, which can be used to attract new talent to the Bioscience industry.
Program site - www.sbwib.org/bioflex
Chris Cagle -- Phone: (310) 970-7724
Teen Centers
Hawthorne & Inglewood
Services & Activities at NO COST
Computer access (6-8 computer stations), Homework assistance, SAT and Training Workshops (character and leadership, job preparation, college readiness and career counseling), Job training services, Counseling and family mediation services, Sports and recreation activities, Field trips
Monday-Friday, 3:00-6:00 PM
Robert Chavez | Phone: (310) 680-3770

Fit for Gold
Tutoring & Fitness Academy
An after school program that trains high school seniors to provide homework assistance, nutrition information and physical fitness activities to students, grades 3-8, while participating in hours of enrichment and mentoring, training and college-readiness activities.
Robert Chavez | Phone: (310) 680-3770
Career Pathways 180 Program
SBWIB's Career Pathways 180 Job Preparation Academy in cooperation with the Los Angeles Central Parole District and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation offers formerly incarcerated adults a second chance. The week-long academy consisted of four days of intensive pre-employment instruction utilizing the Blueprint for Workplace Success curriculum. Ending with a graduation ceremony and job fair.
Robert Chavez | Phone: (310) 680-3770

South Bay Workforce Investment Board
11539 Hawthorne Blvd., 5th Floor Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: (310) 970-7700
© 2020 by South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers. All rights reserved.
This WIOA Title 1 financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities by calling in advance to CRS 1-800-735-2922 or 310-680-3700.