South Bay Workforce Investment Board Committees
(Under WIOA Referred to as “STANDING COMMITTEES")
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) is soliciting proposals from qualified individuals interested in serving as volunteers (non-SBWIB Board Members) on the standing committees.
The SBWIB has established Standing committees to provide information and assist the Local WDB in carrying out its responsibilities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Standing committee members must include individuals who are not members of the Local WDB and who have demonstrated experience and expertise in accordance with § 679.340(b) and as determined by the Local WDB.
The standing committees expand opportunities for stakeholders to participate in Local WDB decision-making, particularly for representatives of organizations that do not sit on the Local WDB but have a stake in the success of Local WDB decisions. Such committees also expand the capacity of the Local WDB in meeting required functions. For this reason, it is important to appointment non-Board Members to the standing committees.
SBWIB Standing Committee Membership responsibilities:
Serve a four (4) year term of office July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2025
Provide oversight and policy guidance which will allow meeting workforce development challenges within the 11 cities that comprise our local workforce investment area
Attend the quarterly standing committee meeting
Submit Annual Statement of Economic Interest form to Board of Supervisors
Complete Ethics Training (Every two years)
Those interested in becoming standing committee volunteers are encouraged to apply by sending an email to sberry@sbwib.org answering the questions below and attaching a resume or statement of qualifications for consideration. The submission deadline for all proposals is July 29, 2021.
1. Which standing committee are you interested in joining? Choose an item.
2. Why do you believe you are qualified to serve on this committee? Enter text here.
3. Please attach a Statement of Qualifications and/or a copy of your Resume.
Major Responsibilities
Performance & Evaluation is the policy and oversight entity for issues relative to various SBWIA performance areas.
Monitor performance of overall program and specific service providers, including providers of youth services.
Evaluate performance and determines need for corrective action.
Review negotiations and agreements on local performance accountability measures.
Reviews South Bay Workforce Investment Area information technology systems progress reports.
Evaluates overall performance of the South Bay Workforce Investment Area, the performance of individual contractors, and the need for corrective action, if applicable.
Reviews audits.
Reviews internal control audit and monitoring findings and reports.
Review performance accountability activities and systems.
Recommend removal of service providers for the provider list.
Monitor physical and programmatic accessibility in accordance with applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Business, Technology & Economic Development Committee:
Ad hoc: Technology and Marketing is the policy and oversight entity for issues relative to business in the South Bay Workforce Investment Area (SBWIA). This Committee is concerned with factors with an influencing effect on the economy; i.e., job creation, occupational outlooks, the labor market, etc. Additionally, the B & E Development Committee serves as the SBWIA Marketing Ad Hoc Committee.
Determine labor market demand for classroom training occupations.
Review plans, activities, and recommendations regarding business and economic development support.
Review proposals for technology enhancement.
Review strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development system for employers, and workers and jobseekers.
Review and approve marketing materials.
Reviews economic and workforce issues and approves relevant SBWIB initiatives.
Review resource development activities relevant to committee policy areas.
Review and analysis of workforce research and regional labor market information to ensure the needed knowledge and skills for the region; and related workforce development activities.
Ensure effective linkages with employers in the region to ensure that workforce investment activities meet the needs of employers and support economic growth in the region.
Executive acts on behalf of the Workforce Investment Board (WIB)
Makes specific recommendations to the WIB regarding legislative issues.
Reviews monthly activities and recommendations of committees.
Acts on the WIB’s behalf in conducting business as designated.
Coordinates the review of the Strategic Plan. Convene local workforce development system stakeholders to assist in the development of the local plan and in identifying non-Federal expertise and resources to leverage support for workforce development activities.
Conducts Public Hearings.
Review resource development activities relevant to committee policy areas.
Youth Development Council is the guiding entity for the SBWIA’s youth program.
WIOA Purpose: A Youth Standing Committee to provide information and to assist with planning, operational, and other issues relating to the provision of services to youth.
Review youth programs, youth competency systems, evaluate the system’s performance.
Assist in identifying available youth services in the community and make recommendations for service providers.
Ensure compliance with WIOA requirements to including 75% of resources allocated to out-of-school youth and a minimum of 20% of resources allocated to work experience.
Establish and maintain an advocacy program to promote early workforce preparation of youth and broker joint ventures among business, education, and community agencies that address the needs of youth.
One-Stop Policy is the policy and oversight entity for issues relative to the operations of the South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers. This Committee is concerned with Federal, State, and Local policies affecting the Centers.
WIOA Purpose: A standing committee to provide information and assist with operational and other issues relating to the one-stop delivery system, which may include representatives of the one-stop partners
New Under WIOA: A standing committee to provide information and to assist with operational and other issues relating to the provision of services to individuals with disabilities, including issues relating to compliance with applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Review and evaluate participant training costs.
Monitor quarterly continuous quality improvement activities.
Review resource development activities relevant to committee policy areas.
Hear appeals from declined applicants.
Review and make recommendations on proposals received.
Set evaluation standards for training-related placements and other criteria.
Monitor continuous quality improvement.
Establish and maintain the One-Stop Certification System.
Monitor and review customer satisfaction levels in the One-Stop Centers
Review complaints or appeals made by Training Providers.
Review and approve SBWIA training demand occupations. Review development and implementation of career pathways within the local area to ensure alignment with the employment, training, education, and participant supportive service needs.
Review proven and promising strategies and initiatives for meeting the needs of employers, and workers and jobseekers (including individuals with barriers to employment) in the local workforce development system.