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South Bay Workforce Investment Board YouthBuild (SBWIB YouthBuild) is a pre-apprenticeship program that provides job training and educational opportunities for at-risk youth ages 16-24 who have previously dropped out of high school. SBWIB YouthBuild gives young adults a second chance to earn their high school diplomas, occupational skills training, leadership and life skills, and college and work readiness.

The SBWIB YouthBuild site sees visitors and clients by appointment between the hours of
8:00 am - 3:00 pm.
We welcome walk-in's between the hours of 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Please get in touch with us at
310-225-3060 for more information.
It is our goal to provide essential workforce services to support the public during this difficult time. The SBWIB has taken a number of steps to ensure the public has access to the resources they need. Select the button below for these resources and please remember the importance of social distancing, washing your hands regularly, staying healthy and knowing the symptoms.
Click on any title below to learn more. Click on the logo to come back to this page.
Congratulations Class of 2023
BBQ and Dockweiler Beach
Dockweiler Beach Highlights